Wednesday, April 15, 2009

9-5 vs. 24/7

Well, so much has been happening lately that it has me thinking about how different life is when your job is your life. It is strange being at work all day long, it almost feels like I don't work at all. However, the last few days especially have reminded me that I DO work. A day or two before Easter I thought I was getting really bad allergies. Turns out I'm pretty sure it was a cold. To most people this doesn't seem like a big deal. It sucks but doesn't really affect life too terribly much. If I were working a normal job, I would probably have taken a sick day or two and then started back up...However, I no longer have that choice. I don't normally worry about getting others sick. I try very hard to stay away from people but I have learned that when you have a baby in the house, you have to be EXTRA careful...and apparently I wasn't. On Tuesday the baby had a temp of 101 and we got a little worried. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday with his mom and we found out that (praise the Lord) it is only a cold and he will be fine. He has not ran a temp since that first day. This doesn't sound that bad, however, add that I was only able to get an appointment at a time when I had to pick up one kid from school (an hour away) and pick up the other from work (no choice but to pick her up early) and go home (a half hour away) to pick up the baby for his appointment and it makes a CRAZY day. It was all spaced out within a couple of hours. It was a fun whirlwind. However, this was not the end of this lovely day of WORK. The mother of the baby decided she wanted to cook us all dinner. So as she was cooking she bent over and began to have some pain. This seemed fairly severe and possibly appendicitis so I decided to take her to the emergency room. (she was still able to make us a WONDERFUL steak dinner...just in case you were wondering). After 2 hours of waiting the doctor was able to see her and told her that they could not find a reason for the pain so to call her doctor the next day if it continued. It was 11:45 by the time we got home. When I woke her up this morning she was still in pain so yet another doctors appointment was made. This appointment showed that she needed to have an ultrasound, however, they were unable to do one until tomorrow morning. SO, guess what I got to do the next morning?? Now, most people do not have to worry about taking one kid to the emergency room while the other stays home with the other parent. The perks of my job include a child that is very much a hypochondriac (we think) or just an attention seeker. So, she went on a hike the day after our visit to the ER and came home stating that she hurt her arm (we have many reasons to believe that she did but that it was nowhere near as severe as she stated it was) so we had to explain that we would not be rushing her to the emergency room. Every once in a while, I get slightly frustrated that I have to make several trips into town a half hour a way for different things that pop up. But it's amazing when I think of what I get to do and the way that God is able to work through me and these kids. The girl I took to the hospital the other night, came up to me the next evening and asked for a hug before she went to bed and told me that she loved me. I truly do love our "kids". I feel blessed by them and very much stretched by them. They have been encouraging, discouraging, manipulative, loving, caring, frustrating, disrespectful, rude, polite and so many other things. While working 40 hours a week allows you to leave work at work (most of the time), I don't think I would want to go back to it for a while. I love it here. I love that I am blessed to work with my husband all day long. I love that we have been blessed with these kids and a wonderful (still knawing) puppy. I love that I have time to take a nap (some of the time) and just read. Thank you for your many prayers.

PS. Easter was amazing. Most of the kids had a wonderful time. One of them stated that her previous 2 Easters had been horrible but this one made up for it. I was able to cook some amazing food (thank you Mom for the recipes) and spend the day with my new family.

**Pictures to come of UB playing with another puppy his size from today. He is definitely still a lover not a fighter :>

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