Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting in Shape

Okay, so when I got pregnant I was told that normal weight gain is about 20-25 lbs. since I was already in a normal weight range. However, I gained about 43. After delivering Sam and finding out that he only weighed 5lbs 14ozs, the first thing my midwife said was, "Well, you've got a lot to lose." Haha. I lost is surprisingly fast or at least looked like I did but I'm still not quite what I was at (I'm currently at about 148). Plus, I am still about 15-20lbs over ideal. It's so hard to lose those last few. It takes such commitment to lose weight. Weight has always been a struggle for me. I remember the first time I worried about my weight was in 7th grade when my science teacher (a man) had all of the students in class get in groups and write down their weight on a piece of paper for everyone to see (I don't remember what it was for). I was 130lbs. I remember looking at other girls and only one was at my weight. By the time I hit 9th grade I was at 150. I continued a slow gain throughout high school and by the time I hit my second year in college I peaked at 175. My ideal weight is between 120-135 (I least that is what I have seen from the calculators online). I really tried to lose weight while in HS but never kept with it. I LOVE FOOD!! I think that is truly one of my biggest problems. I really got serious about exercise and changing my eating habits in 2003. I got down to 127lbs. I loved that I could FINALLY go clothes shopping and wear the cute clothes then never looked good on me before. I worked hard at eating right and not a ton. I remember being hungry but never starved. Obviously once I started at Multnomah I didn't continue my workout regime although I still ate pretty well. I slowly gained back about 10 or 15 lbs. and have stayed right in there over the last several years. I really want to drop the weight back off. So, I am starting to exercise again. Last night I did some yoga and tonight I did some circuit training. I feel so warm and sticky and I never realized just how difficult yoga actually is. I almost gave up 5 minutes in but knew that if I could just get through this first workout tomorrow would be easier. So, tonight was night two and I feel so good to have gotten through. My legs and arms feel like jello and I'm sticking to my parents leather couch. But, I feel so good. Now it's time to work on my will power not to snack on unhealthy candy. Here goes nothing. Hopefully I can stick with it. My goal right now is to simply get through a month and see how I feel. SAM'S CALLING...okay, he just needed his pacey. So, here we go.


Jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing your story. Weight loss is such a hard struggle. I hope that you are able to find a great exercise routine that works for you! Can't wait to hear about your progress.

Rachele said...

You are beautiful! Whatever weight you are, as long as you feel happy and healthy.