Well, Sam is now 2 months and 3 days old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is gaining weight so fast and is such an amazingly good baby. He is so laid back, perfect for the work we are doing right now. I can't imagine having 5 foster kids who are high maintenance and my own. Well, all of our family has been able to meet the little squirt. First Grandma Gayle and Uncle Erick visited in February (18th-25th). We, unfortunately, did not take any time off while they were in town and quickly regretted it. It was such a busy week, it seemed like I was taxi cabbing kids around daily to appointments (which I was). We had such a wonderful time and it killed me to see them leave. Uncle Jacob and Aunt Heidi were next to visit (March 5-8). We made sure we had at least 2 nights to ourselves on vacation. it was such a wonderful blessing and we had such a great time. It wasn't as hard to say goodbye although I still hated to see them leave. Next was Grampa Frank and Gramma Linda (March 18-24). We had most of their visit on vacation. It was awesome. We were able to show them around and rest up. I loved having them. They were able to watch Sam while Michael and I went on a walk. It was awesome to have some time with the hubby. They also took him for two nights and he ate out of his bottles. I haven't experienced a full night's sleep since January so this was a wonderful time to recoup before returning to work. It was also difficult to see them leave. Mom kept a smile on her face until she was out of sight and they've missed him like crazy since they have left, as has every other family member. I can't wait to see them again. It was so wonderful watching them interact with Sam and Sam smiled at all of them.
Sam has been doing so well. He can now hold his head up and is smiling at us a lot more often. He is taking bottles without a problem and his daddy has been able to feed him. It is so precious. Sam received his SSC in the mail yesterday as well as met the Easter Bunny at our Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. He was wide awake and it was a beautiful day. He looked right at the camera for the picture but I haven't downloaded it yet. Another post I guess. Life here has been hectic and I have been very tired. I miss my family and can't wait to head to Portland. I look forward to Sam meeting even more of his family. The kids have been doing pretty well although they have been going through a hard time (yes, all of them) although each of them has a different way of expressing their emotions which greatly depends on their maturity level. Here are some pictures from the visits we've been blessed to have. Hope you enjoy.
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