Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alien Invader

Well, we have been on vaca for the last week and are loving the down time. It is amazing to be able to relax. Before leaving one of our kids was discharged. It was sad but we are praying that she will do better where she is now. After leaving for our time off, we found out that another girl was moved in so the tally is back to 4 girls (3 teens) and one baby boy. Life is going to be crazy when we return. We love it though. Life has been so crazy over the summer. We have been trying to find fun things to do but when you have five kids (and for a little over a month we had six) who vote on what they want to do someone always loses. Recently a couple of our kids got in a yelling match over thumb was actually quite comical after everyone calmed down and apologized. God has been so good to us. AFter all this shifting around we also found out in June that we will be having another kid moving in only this one will be our own...I'M PREGNANT! Our first child is due February 2. We are so excited and yet have a healthy fear. We love the kids we have in our house but it has really shown us both the commitment and time it takes to care for them well. We have seen so many horrible situations with the kids we have that we feel a little more prepared. But, you can never be truly prepared for a child. We will be hearing the heartbeat for the first time on Monday and the ultrasound is scheduled for September 22. I can't wait to see our little one. I am so excited to begin this new chapter in our marriage. My stomach is starting to pop out and it is amazing to realize that in a few more weeks I'll be able to feel the little one moving around. Michael has been so amazing since we found out. He has allowed me time for naps and breaks. It has been amazing to see him protecting me and the new little one. The Lord is so good, I have had no prego symptoms other than exhaustion. I don't know how I would have been able to get through the last few months if I was dealing with morning sickness. I feel so blessed. We had decided to simply open ourselves up to the possibility of having kids and within the month I was pregnant. I was so concerned that it would take forever. I was very wrong. Michael's response was amazing...he just looked at the test and said, "what does this mean?" I told him I was pregnant and he just laughed and had a huge smile on his face for a couple of minutes. It is finally starting to really sink in that we will have a little one of our own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are with Tracy and Adam on a hike as I read and send this. Congratulations on this new chapter in your book of life! It's a wonderfully mysterious time in life. I'll be praying for you.
Love, Scooch (Tracy's Mom)