Well, Michael was sweet enough to take the kids to an event at the gym tonight so I get to take a rare moment to breath while the kids are gone. It seems to strange to be in a house all by myself. I am loving the quiet. I have found that even when you have a house full of kids (even while they are at school), it never seems to quiet down. Lately it has felt as if we are consitently running from one appointment to the next. I feel like a taxi cab between transporting one child to school (35 miles away) and picking up others for appointments. While life is exhausting I feel so blessed to be working with Michael. I love my job. I love that I get to stay home (most of the time) and train the dog and spend time with Michael. We have been so busy that it almost feels like we don't get a whole lot of time to spend together but he quickly reminded me that if we were not doing this, we would be working 40 hours a week apart from each other. I think I prefer this quite a bit more. God has been so good to us. He has continued to grow us together and we are learning so much about parenting as well as good communication. I think the biggest frustration is getting this little (although not so little anymore) puppy to quit chewing on EVERYONE. I no longer have a pair of jeans that do not have holes in them. I was kind of in need of new jeans anyway so I guess he just helped me along in the process :>

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was a little cloudy. However, it was EXTREMELY windy and cold (my favorite weather). It was so amazing driving home this morning after dropping off one of the kids at school that we are blessed to be surrounded by so much beauty. The mountains that surround us look blue most of the day. It is strange but it is actuallly supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow. Fortunately it will be too warm to stick but the school district will still close if they see any snow whatsoever. It is strange how much different things are run here. The kids have Good Friday off of school and rather then a spring break they get an Easter break next week. It is nice to see how beliefs come into play here because they seem able to acknowledge them without condemnation. I hope y'all (yes, the southern vocab is sinking in) have a wonderful Easter Sunday.
I LOVE reading your posts, Jen & Michael! Miss you guys!
Jen, I'm proud of you! You have so much responsibility with all those girls in your life. I also like what I see about U.B. Keep those new jeans you are going to buy for going out, only for awhile at least--naughty puppy, doing what comes naturally, I guess. Glad my "pup" is older. He only chews on his treats, rawhide bones, and foil candy covers he finds on the floor. Love you, Mom
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