I began this blog unsure of what I was going to write about. I started thinking about what God has been doing through us in just this short time. We have had a couple of kids for the past two weeks. It has been an adjustment, but a good one. I am learning how to be a mom; how to plan meals, make one trip to town for everything rather than 20 (I am so used to having a grocery store across the street), be a taxi cab, and be firm (my biggest struggle). I love it though. I feel like God has truly blessed Michael and I during our time here. My greatest fear in moving was that I would miss my family so much that I wouldn't be able to fully function and be present. However, the Lord has carried me through the struggles with homesickness (although I really haven't had many). As I have gotten to know the kids in our house, almost daily I hear one say that they can't wait to go home. I understand that desire. I felt it many times growing up. Last night one of our kids became extremely upset and frustrated about some of our rules. I tried to keep my cool but felt frustrated and just wanted to make her understand why this rule is important. After a frustrating conversation, she went to her room and I let her cool off for a bit. After praying with Michael and discussing what had happened, I went into her room to tell her that we loved her. When I entered the room, she apologized for her attitude and shared her struggles and anxieties. It was amazing how the Lord worked. I was able ot pray with her and cry with her. It is amazing when you are able to talk with someone and feel such a connection. I felt like God was in the room. When I left the room, I gave her a hug and told her we loved her and her response was "I love you too. Thank you for making me laugh and taking my mind off of what is going on." It was such an amazing blessing to see how God worked through such a difficult situation and to hear words of appreciation. I feel like God blessed me so much in that short half hour. God is so good! I know that this may not be a common response with all of our kids and I have a feeling that this was probably a very rare case, however, I am praising God for showing me that He is working through us. My prayer is that we will continue to bring our kids before Him on a daily basis and that we will see even the smallest of successes. I feel so blessed to be here and see Him working in me as well as in those around us. I feel that this is exactly where God wants us right now and that our strength and patience come from Him alone. "Always rejoice, constantly pray, in everything give thanks. For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Wow - that is so awesome. Thanks for updating and sharing your recent experience. It's so great the the Lord is showing you that you are exactly where He wants you to be!
I love you both so much! I read both of your entries and I decided to respond to both in one swoop! You both are so great...you both seem to just have stepped into this so gracefully and it sounds like God is really using you and blessing you! I am so excited for you guys and so glad that God is using you to bless those kids that need you both so much! We love you guys and couldn't be more happy for you! Love Roo and Jacob
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