Sorry. I know it has been a while since someone last wrote. Life has actually not been crazy lately. However, we are trying to set up some kind of schedule now that we are more laid back and relaxed. The thing I am proudest of is that Sam is now on a schedule. He goes to bed between 9 & 10 and gets up between 4 & 5 to eat and then sleeps until about 8 or 9. It is so wonderful. The day after we arrived in Portland he started to laugh. It is SO ADORABLE! I love him so much. He is such a happy baby and such a wonderful blessing. He seems to have settled down here and I am so glad. The weather has been really wet but it is nice to be away from the humidity. I would post new pics of Sam but I don't have the ability just yet (I need to unpack some of our computer stuff). I can at least give you the low down...he is now 4 months old and when I weighed him on our scale he came in at about 16 pounds. For those of you who keeping track...that is 10 lbs and 7 oz gained from his lowest weight after birth. He is a chunk and has some MAJOR rolls and I LOVE IT!! I completely agree that chunky babies are the best (although I may be a bit biased :)
On the job front, Michael has been applying like crazy. Our hope is that I can be a stay-at-home mom with Sam and any other babies we have in the future. If I do need to work, my plan is to run a daycare. I have had a few people tell me that I should attempt it and since I have been working with kids over the last year and a half I feel well qualified. I would like to wait until Sam is a few months older and able to sit up by himself so that he can occupy himself with stuff but who knows. Necessity may change plans. In the meantime, I am thinking about applying at a temp agency just for an immediate income until Michael finds something long term. At least he would be able to stay home with Sam.
I am sitting here at 12:21 am listening to my hubby play his guitar and sing. I have missed this so much. I feel like I haven't heard him play in months. It is one of the most wonderful things to hear. I can hear his love for music and I remember while we were dating. I can't believe that was almost 5 years ago. God has been so good to us. I know He will continue to provide for us and stretch us. My fear is that I won't be able to stay home with Sam due to our school debt but I know God is the great provider and all things are possible through Him. I am trusting Him to lead us where He wants us.
Thank you for your faithful reading and hopefully the next post will be sooner :D
Oh and we will continue this blog as we feel it is a good way to keep people up to date on what we are doing. Thank you for your prayers and continued support as we continue our journey.